Meet Curiouser Crew member Anna

Meet Anna York - a talented lady who puts together this blog and our fantastic new website. Anna is one of the newest Curiouser Crew members and the first to work primarily in our office. She is a photographer and an artist making beautiful planet prints that we sell in our shops. Read the interview below to get to know her a little bit better.


1. If you could travel anywhere – where would you go?

I would like to travel through space and gaze at nebulas and galaxies. That has been my dream for a long time. Bound to Earth, I would settle for a trip to Mongolia. I feel longing for vast landscapes and untamed Nature. I would love to explore Siberia and listen to the singing ice on Lake Baikal at -40C. There are so many places I would love to walk through: India, New Zeeland, South Africa.

2. Who is your favourite fictional character and why?

Master Oogway from Kung Fu Panda. He is an old & gentle turtle with a lot of precious wisdom. Here’s a lovely sample: peach dialog

3. Choose 3 guests to invite for dinner…….real, fictional, celeb, you choose!

Frieda Kahlo

Werner Herzog 

Mahatma Gandhi

4. What is your favourite thing about working at Curiouser?

I admire the amount of care that goes into running Curiouser & Curiouser. Laura & Ian don’t have a bad bone in their bodies. Because of how inspiring and caring they are, they’ve managed to build a fantastic Team. A brilliant combination that attracts fantastic customers. People make this place. I should also mention a very lovable greyhound Benny.

5. Choose 3 of your all-time favourite music tracks?

At the moment:

Oscar Isaac, Green, Green Rocky Road listen 

Joanna Newsom Divers, listen

Maggie Rogers, Alaska, listen 

6. Favourite film and why?

My favourite film would have to be Werner Herzog’s Fitzcarraldo with brilliantly charismatic Klaus Kinsky as the main character. I was seduced long ago by the idea of following a vision even if it is a crazy one. Being lost in the jungle of South America as well as the one of human minds and believes is a truly epic journey totally worth 3 hours of your time.

7. Can you tell us a little bit about your background?  What did you do prior to working at Curiouser?

My background is in Cultural Studies as well as Fine Art. I used to work for Theatre Festivals and Chocolate Producers. I am very happy where I am now and I’m looking forward to running projects with children and exploring my own illustration & printmaking a bit more.


8. What is currently your favourite product at Curiouser?

At the moment my Favourites are Broste Nordic Blankets & the Log Fire scented candle. I also love the selection of cookery books that we have in the shops and delicate, nature inspired jewellery by Sarah Brown. I have my heart set for a large botanical pine print by Dybdahl. There are so many favourites!


9. Where is your favourite place to visit in Edinburgh?

I really like going to Roslin for walks in the ancient forest. It makes me recharge and gives me the feeling of being rooted in the world. I love its magic. It is not exactly Edinburgh, but bus number 15 takes you there, so I'm going to pretend that it is :)

10. You’re reincarnated as an animal – what are you?




Anna's beautiful prints are available in our shops or you could take a closer look at what she does on her website:

AnnaAnna yorkCrewCuriouserCuriouser crewShopStaff